HCI_CISCO_HX 240C_M5SX_CIMS(Intersight)
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HCI CISCO HX 240C M5SX CIMS (Intersight) :
Log in to Cisco Intersight with your Cisco ID and select admin role.
From the Service Selector drop-down list, select Infrastructure Service.
Navigate to Configure > Policies, and then click Create Policy.
Under Platform Type, Select the Platform as per the existing one.
Select Syslog, and then click Start.
On the General page, configure the following parameters:
Essential Information
Select the Organization.
Enter a name for your policy.
Description (Optional)
Provide a short description
Add Tag (Optional)
Enter a tag in the key:value format. For example, Org: IT or Site: APJ.
On the Policy Details page, configure the following parameter
Essential Information
Local Logging
Minimum Severity to Report
Select the lowest severity level to report in the remote log. The severity levels are:
0 Emergency
1 Alert
2 Critical
3 Error
4 Warning
5 Notice
6 Informational
7 Debug
Remote Logging - Syslog Server 1 and Syslog Server 2
Select this option to enable or disable the Syslog policy.
Hostname/IP Address
Enter the hostname or IP address of the Syslog server to store the Cisco IMC log. You can set an IPv4 or IPv6 address or a domain name as the remote system address.
If you have both IPv4 and IPv6 as the remote logging addresses, ensure to configure IPv4 and IPv6 in the Fabric Interconnect through the command-line interface (CLI).
Minimum Severity To Report
Select the lowest severity level to report in the remote log. The severity levels are:
0 Emergency
1 Alert
2 Critical
3 Error
4 Warning
5 Notice
6 Informational
7 Debug
Click Create.