Log Forwarding - How To
This page contains instructions on how to forward logs from various log sources to BluSapphire. There may be minor differences on the data collected on various sources. Beware.
Forward Fortinet firewall logs to the log collector using GUI
Follow the steps below to configure the FortiGate firewall:
Log in to the FortiGate web interface
Select Log & Report > Log Setting or Log & Report > Log Config > Log Setting (depending on the version of FortiGate)
To export logs in the syslog format (or export logs to a different configured port):
Select the Log to Remote Host option or Syslog checkbox (depending on the version of FortiGate) Syslog format is preferred over WELF, in order to support vdom in Fortigate firewalls.
Enter the IP address and port of the “Log Collector”
In the Port field, enter the port the server uses for syslog messages. Please check Appendix A for default port list.
Select the logging level as Information or select the Log All Events checkbox (depending on the version of FortiGate)
Select the facility as local7
Click Apply
CAUTION: Do not select CSV format for exporting the logs.
Configuring RuleSets for Logging Traffic
Follow the steps below to configure rulesets for logging all traffic from or to the FortiGate firewall:
Select Firewall > Policy
Choose a rule for which you want to log traffic and click Edit. You can configure any traffic to be logged separately if it is acted upon by a specific rule.
Select the Log Traffic checkbox
Click OK and then click Apply
Repeat the above steps for all rules for which you want to log traffic.
If “Log Collector” is unable to receive the logs from the Fortigate after configuring from UI, please carryout the steps to configure it through command prompt.
(For the models like Fortigate 60, Fortigate 200, etc.) Please follow the steps to enable the device to send the logs to “Log Collector”.
Start CLI on the Fortigate firewall.
Execute the following commands to enable Syslog:
Enable syslog:
config log syslogd2 setting
set status enable
set server <IP>
set csv disable
set facility local7
set port 1514
set reliable disable
end <cr>
Execute the following commands to enable Traffic:
Enable traffic:
config log syslogd filter<cr>
set severity information<cr>
set traffic enable<cr>
set web enable<cr>
set email enable<cr>
set attack enable<cr>
set im enable<cr>
set virus enable<cr>
end <cr>
Note: Type "show log syslogd filter
" to list all available traffic.
Note: In Fortigate OS v5.0, there is an option to send syslog using TCP.
Note: If BluSapphire “Log Collector“ is not getting logs from Fortigate, please check Fortigate OS version. If it is v5.0 or above, ensure option 'reliable' is disabled in syslog config. Then it will use UDP.
Syslog setting can only be done through CLI mode. There is no option in UI.
The FortiManager family delivers the versatility you need to effectively manage your Fortinet- based security infrastructure.
Log in to FortiManager 4.3.x using CLI:
config fmsystem locallog syslogd setting
set server <IP address> ##Address of Log Collector
set severity <emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notification | information | debug> ##Least severity level to log
set status <enable | disable>
set facility <facility> ##Which facility for remote syslog.
set port <port> ##Port that server listens at
Log in to FortiManager 5.0.x up to 5.0.6 using CLI:
config system locallog syslogd setting
set server <IP address> ##Address of Log Collector
set severity <emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notification | information | debug> ##Least severity level to log
set status <enable | disable>
set facility <facility> ##Which facility for remote syslog.
set port <port> ##Port that server listens at.
Log in to FortiManager 5.0.7 using web interface:
1. Go to System Settings > Advanced > Syslog Server
The Syslog server can also be defined using CLI:
config system syslog
edit <server name>
set ip <Log Collector-IP>
Enable sending FortiManager local logs
This can only be configured using CLI:
config system locallog syslogd setting
set syslog-name <Remote syslog server name,defined at previous step>
set severity <emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notification | information | debug> ##Least severity level to log
set status <enable | disable>
set facility <facility> ##Which facility for remote syslog.
set port <port> ##Port that server listens at (514)
Cisco ASA
Cisco ASA using Command Line Interface
Telnet to the ASA firewall and enter the enable mode
Type the following:
configure terminal
logging enable
logging timestamp
logging trap informational
logging device-id {context-name | hostname | ipaddress interface_name | string text}
logging host interface_name syslog_ip [udp/<syslog_port>]
interface_name | is the interface on the ASA Firewall whose logs need to be analyzed (for example: "inside" or "outside"). |
syslog_ip | is the IP address of the Log Collector to which the Firewall should send the Syslogs. |
udp/<syslog_port> | indicates that logs will be sent using the UDP protocol, to the configured syslog port on the syslog server. If left blank, logs will be sent to the default UDP port 514. Check Appendix A for default port list. |
hostname | firewall's host name (defined with the hostname configuration command) |
ipaddress interface_name | the IP address of a specific firewall interface named interface_name (for example: "inside" or "outside") |
string text | an arbitrary text string (up to 16 characters) |
context-name | in PIX 7.x or FWSM 2.x operating in multiple-context mode, the name of the firewall context can also be sent. |
Cisco ASA with FirePOWER services
Creating a Syslog Alert Response
Choose ASA Firepower Configuration > Policies > Actions > Alerts.
From the Create Alert drop-down menu, choose Create Syslog Alert.
Enter a Name for the alert.
In the Host field, enter the hostname or IP address of “Log Collector”.
In the Port field, enter the port the server uses for syslog messages. Please check Appendix A for default port list.
From the Facility list, choose a facility LOCAL7.
From the Severity list, choose a severity INFO.
Click Save.
Configuration for sending the Traffic Events
Navigate to ASA Firepower Configuration > Policies > Access Control Policy
Edit the access rule and navigate to logging option.
Select log at Beginning and End of Connection options.
Navigate to Send Connection Events to option , select Syslog, and then select a Syslog alert response.
Click Save.
Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator
Follow the below steps to configure the VPN Concentrator:
Configuring Syslog Server
Login to the Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Management console.
Go to Configuration > System> Events >Syslog Servers
Click the Add button
In the Syslog Server text box enter the IP Address of the machine Log Collector is running.
Enter the Port value. Check Appendix A for default port.
Facility is Local 7
Configuring Syslog Events
Go to Configuration > System> Events >General
For Syslog Format you can either select Original or Cisco IOS Compatible format.
For Events to Syslog select Severities 1-5
All other configurations are default for this page.
Click Apply button
For more information, refer the Cisco VPN Concentrator documentation.
Cisco IOS Switch
Follow the below steps to configure the Cisco IOS Switch:
Login to the Cisco IOS console or Telnet to the device.
Change the configuration mode of the device.
Use the following command:
configure terminal
Enable logging by using the following commands:
logging on
logging trap informational
logging <IP Address of Log Collector>
If there is a Firewall module in the IOS device, use the following command to enable audit trail. This will generate traffic information.
ip inspect audit-trail
For more information, refer the Cisco IOS Switch documentation.
Cisco ASA using ASDM
Load the ASDM.
Select Configuration > Device Management > Logging > Logging Setup.
Select Enable Logging.
Select Logging > Logging Filters.
Choose the syslog-servers as Informational.
Select Logging > Syslog servers.
Click Add.
Enter the IP address of Log Collector and choose the appropriate interface. Also, ensure that you choose UDP and enter the port number 514 or 1514. Check Appendix A for default log ports.
Select Logging > Syslog Setup.
Select Include time stamp in syslogs option and scroll down to ensure the syslog IDs 302013, 302014, 302015 & 302016 are in enabled state and the logging level is set to Informational.
Disable Logging
You can disable specific syslog IDs based on your requirement.
Note: | By selecting the check mark for the Include timestamp in syslogs option, you can add the date and time that they were generated as a field to the syslogs. |
Select the syslogs to disable and click Edit.
From the Edit Syslog ID Settings window, select the Disable messages option and click OK.
The disabled syslogs can be viewed in a separate tab by selecting Disabled syslog IDs from the Syslog ID Setup drop-down menu.
To configure Cisco Router to send syslog messages
Enter the command:
To enter privileged EXEC mode.
Enter the command:
configure terminal
This will allow you to enter global configuration mode.
Enter the command:
logging host
Replace host with Log Collector IP Address.
Enter the command:
logging trap level
Specify the level as per requirement.
Emergency: 0
Alert: 1
Critical: 2
Error: 3
Warning: 4
Notice: 5
Informational: 6
Debug: 7
Enter the command:
logging facility local7
Default facility-type value is local7.
Enter the command:
To save changes and exit global configuration mode.
To display changes made enter command:
show logging
This displays logging configuration. Verify configuration.
To Forward Cisco Sourcefire Ids Intrusion Alerts
Log in to the SourceFire IDS using web interface.
Go to Policies > Intrusion > Intrusion Policy.
Locate the policy you want to apply and select Edit.
Click Advanced Settings.
In the list, locate Syslog Alerting and set it to Enabled.
In the Logging Hosts field, type the IP address of Log Collector.
Choose an appropriate Facility and Severity from the listbox.
Near the top-left of the page, click Policy Information.
Click Commit Changes.
To configure IronPort device to send syslog events, please follow the following steps:
Log in to Cisco IronPort user interface.
Select System Administration \ Log Subscriptions.
Click Add Log Subscription.
Configure the following values:
Log Type - Define a log subscription for both Ironport Text Mail Logs and System Logs.
Log Name - Type a log name.
File Name - Use the default configuration value.
Maximum File Size - Use the default configuration value.
Log Level - Select Information (Default).
Retrieval Method - Select Syslog Push.
Hostname - Type the IP address of Log Collector.
Protocol - Select UDP.
Facility - Use the default configuration value. This value depends on the configured Log Type.
Save the subscription.
To forward Cisco Nexus Switch logs, make the following configuration
Type the following command to switch to configuration mode:
config t
Type the following commands:
Type the following to configure the interface for sending syslog events:
logging source-interface loopback
Type the following command to save your current configuration as the start-up configuration:
copy running-config startup-config
To configure Cisco VPN concentrator and send syslog messages
Log in to the VPN concentrator using web interface.
Go to Configuration > System > Events > Syslog Servers
Select Add
Enter the IP address of the “Local Collector” and choose facility level from the facility drop down menu.
Next, return to the Syslog Server page by clicking Add
Go to Configuration > Events > System > General.
Select the event options based on the severity to the syslog drop down menus and click Apply.
To save changes click on the Save button.
NetScreen Firewall
Enable Syslog Messages and Disable WebTrends Messages using the NetScreen Administration Tools Console
Log in to the NetScreen GUI.
Click Configuration> Report Settings> Syslog in the left pane of the NetScreen GUI.
Select the Enable Syslog Messages check box.
Select the Trust Interface as Source IP for VPN and Include Traffic Log check box.
Type the IP address of the “Log Collector” and syslog port (514) in the Syslog Host Name / Port text box.
All other fields will have default values.
Click Apply to save the changes.
Click Configuration> Report Settings> WebTrends in the left pane of the NetScreen GUI
Clear the Enable WebTrends Messages check box.
Click Apply to save the changes.
To configure Syslog, perform the following steps:
Open the WebUI.
From the ScreenOS console menu, click Configuration, select Report Settings, and then click Syslog.
From the Syslog page, click to select Enable Syslog Messages.
Note: | From the 'Source interface' drop-down menu, select the interface from which syslog packets are sent. |
Enter the necessary information for each syslog server you are adding. Syslog messages can be sent to up to 4 designated syslog servers.
Enable: Select this option to enable the syslog server.
IP/ Hostname: The IP address of the “Log Collector”..
Port: In the Port field, enter the port the server uses for syslog messages. Please check Appendix A for default port list.
Security Facility: The security facility, which classifies and sends security specific messages to the syslog host.
Facility: The regular facility, which classifies and sends all other messages for events unrelated to security.
Event Log: Select this option to send event log entries to the syslog host.
Traffic Log: Select this option to send traffic log entries to the syslog host.
Click APPLY to save the syslog configuration.
Caution: | Uncheck the TCP option. This will make the firewall to send syslogs in the configured UDP port. |
Configure/Enable Syslog Messages for Netscreen Firewall device using CLI Console:
Execute the following commands to configure syslog via CLI:
set syslog config set syslog config facilities local0 local0 set syslog config log traffic set syslog src-interface <<interface name>> set syslog enable
NOTE: The difference between “security facility” and “facility” is that “security facility” is specific for logging of security related events. Facility logs all other events.
Palo Alto Firewalls
Configure Syslog Monitoring
To use Syslog to monitor a Palo Alto Networks device, create a Syslog server profile and assign it to the device log settings for each log type.
Configure a Syslog server profile
You can use separate profiles to send syslogs for each log type to a different server. To increase availability, define multiple servers (up to four) in a single profile.
Select Device > Server Profiles > Syslog
Click Add and enter a Name for the profile
If the firewall has more than one virtual system (vsys), select the Location (vsys or Shared) where this profile is available.
For each syslog server, click Add and enter the information that the firewall requires to connect to it:
Name —Unique name for the server profile.
Server —IP address or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the syslog server.
Transport —Select TCP, UDP, or SSL as the method of communication with the syslog server.
Port —The port number on which to send syslog messages (default is UDP on port 1514); you must use the same port number on the firewall and the syslog server.
Format —Select the syslog message format to use: BSD (the default) or IETF. Traditionally, BSD format is over UDP and IETF format is over TCP or SSL.
Facility —Select a syslog standard value (default is LOG_USER) to calculate the priority (PRI) field in your syslog server implementation. Select the value that maps to how you use the PRI field to manage your syslog messages.
(Optional) To customize the format of the syslog messages that the firewall sends, select the Custom Log Format tab. For details on how to create custom formats for the various log types, refer to the Common Event Format Configuration Guide.
Click OK to save the server profile.
Configure syslog forwarding for Traffic, Threat, and WildFire Submission logs
Create a log forwarding profile
Select Objects > Log Forwarding, click Add, and enter a Name to identify the profile.
For each log type and each severity level or WildFire verdict, select the Syslog server profile and click OK.
Assign the log forwarding profile to security rules.
Configure security policy rule action as log forwarding
Select Policies > Security
Click the policy in which you want to configure log forwarding
Select Actions
Select the profile to which the logs to be forwarded in Log Forwarding dropdown list.
Click OK
Configure syslog forwarding for System, Config, HIP Match, and Correlation logs
Select Device > Log Settings.
For System and Correlation logs, click each Severity level, select the Syslog server profile, and click OK.
For Config, HIP Match, and Correlation logs, click the Edit icon, select the Syslog server profile, and click OK.
Commit your changes and review the logs on the syslog server
Click Commit
To review the logs, refer to the documentation of your syslog management software. You can also review the Syslog Field Descriptions.
Configuring to send Syslog Messages from SRX device
Using J-Web
Log in to the Juniper SRX device.
Click Configure > CLI Tools > Point and Click CLI in the Juniper SRX device.
Expand System and click Syslog.
In the Syslog page, click Add New Entry placed next to 'Host'.
Enter the IP address of the “Log Collector”
Click Apply to save the configuration.
Using CLI
Log in to the Juniper SRX device CLI console.
Execute the following command:
user@host# set system syslog host <IP address of the Log Collector> any any
To enable logging for Security policy:
Using J-Web
Select Configure > Security > Policy > FW Policies.
Click on the policy for which you would like to enable logging.
Navigate to Logging/Count and in Log Options, select Log at Session Close Time.
Using CLI
Log in to the Juniper SRX device CLI console.
Execute the following command:
user@host# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy permit-all then log session-close
Juniper Networks IDP Device (version IDP 50)
Configuring to send Syslog Messages directly from Sensor
Log in to the Juniper Networks IDP device.
Click Device > Report Settings > Enable Syslog in the Juniper Networks IDP device.
Select the Enable Syslog Messages check box.
Click Apply to save the changes.
This configuration will generate syslogs for:
All attacks
Policy load
This configuration will not provide:
Profiler logs
Device connect/disconnect logs
Interface UP/DOWN logs
Logs for Bypass State Changes
Configuring SonicWALL To Direct Log Streams
Log in to the SonicWALL appliance
Click Log on the left side of the browser window
Select the Log Settings tab
Type the IP address of the “Log Collector” server in the Syslog Server text box
Click Update at the bottom of the browser window
Configuring SonicWALL Logging Level
Log in to the SonicWALL appliance
Click Log on the left side of the browser window
Select the View tab
Select the Logging Level as Informational from the combo box
Click Update at the bottom of the browser window
Whenever you create an access rule in the SonicWALL Firewall, ensure that 'Enable Logging' check box is selected for the particular rule.
Restart the SonicWALL appliance for the changes to take effect.
Log Exporter - Check Point Log Export
Log Collector supports Log Exporter for R77.30, R80.10, R80.20 and later versions.
Log Exporter is already integrated in version R80.20. There is no need to install dedicated package.
Note: |
Install this release on a R80.10 Multi-Domain Server, Multi-Domain Log Server, Security Management Server, Log Server or SmartEvent Server.
Note: |
Install this release on a R77.30 Multi-Domain Server, Multi-Domain Log Server, Security Management Server, Log Server or SmartEvent Server.
Note: | Log Exporter can be installed on top of R77.30 Jumbo Hotfix Take 292 and above. |
**This hotfix must be installed after the Jumbo, and will need to be uninstalled to upgrade to a higher Jumbo take, and then reinstalled after the newer Jumbo is in place.
Version | Date | CPUSE Online Identifier | CPUSE offline package |
R80.10 | 20 January 2019 | Check_Point_R80.10_Log_Exporter_T43_sk122323_FULL.tgz | (TGZ) |
R77.30 | 06 November 2018 | Check_Point_R77.30_Log_Exporter_T30_sk122323_FULL.tgz | (TGZ) |
Install the hotfix using CPUSE, see sk92449.
Configure Log Exporter to forward Syslogs using CLI
After applying the hot fix, the firewall will restart automatically, you have to restart the Check Point firewall, once again.
Telnet/SSH the Check Point firewall and enter the below command.
cp_log_export add name <name> target-server <Log Collector IP Address> target-port 1514 protocol udp format cef
The new log exporter does not start automatically. To start it run:
cp_log_export restart name <name>
Blue Coat Proxy Logs
Log in to the GUI on Blue Coat appliance.
Select Configuration > Access Logging > Logs > Upload Client.
From the Log list, select the log that contains your custom format.
From the Client type list, select Custom Client.
Click Settings.
From the Settings For list, select Primary Custom Server.
In the Host field, type the IP address of your Log Collector.
In the Port field, type <port number> (Check Appendix A for default port list).
Click OK.
Select the Upload Schedule tab.
From the Upload the access log list, select Continuously.
Click Apply.
At the root configure mode, Enter the command
syslog view
To view the default configuration.
To change the facility, enter the command
syslog facility <facility>
where facility is the category which should be sent to Log Collector.
To start logging to the specified facility, enter the command
syslog add <Log Collector IP Address>
To verify that the host and facility are correct, enter the command
syslog view
Confirm the changes.
Tipping Point
To forward Tipping Point IPS logs to the Log Collector, the required steps are as follows:
Log in to the Tipping Point system using GUI.
On the Admin Navigation menu, select Server Properties.
Select the Management tab.
Click Add.
The Edit Syslog Notification window is displayed.
Select the Enable check box.
Configure the following values:
Syslog Server - Type the IP address of the Log Collector
Port - Type 514 as the port address. Check Appendix A for default port list.
Log Type - Select SMS 2.0 / 2.1 Syslog format from the list.
Facility - Select Log Audit from the list.
Severity - Select Severity in Event from the list.
Delimiter - Select TAB as the delimiter for the generated logs.
Include Timestamp in Header - Select Use original event timestamp.
Select the Include SMS Hostname in Header check box.
Click OK.
To Forward Fireeye Logs
Log in to the FireEye appliance by using the CLI.
To activate configuration mode, type the following commands:
configure terminal
To enable rsyslog notifications, type the following command:
fenotify rsyslog enable
To add BluSapphire Log Collector as a rsyslog notification consumer, type the following command:
fenotify rsyslog trap-sink blus
To specify the IP address for the “Log Collector” system that you want to receive rsyslog trap-sink notifications, type the following command:
fenotify rsyslog trap-sink blus address <Log Collector_IP_address>
To define the rsyslog event format, type the following command:
fenotify rsyslog trap-sink blus prefer message format cef
To save the configuration changes to the FireEye appliance, type the following command:
write memory
To Forward Fireeye NX Alert Logs
Log in to the FireEye NX using web interface.
Go to Settings > Notifications
Tick rsyslog to enable a Syslog notification configuration.
Enter a name to label your FireEye connection to the “Log Collector” in the Name field.
Click the Add Rsyslog Server button.
Enter the <Log Collector IP Address> in the IP Address field.
Tick the Enabled check box.
Select Per event in the Delivery drop-down list.
Select All Events from the Notifications drop-down list.
Select CEF as the Format drop-down list. Other formats are not supported.
Leave the Account field empty.
Select UDP from the Protocol drop-down list.
Click the Update button.
To forward Audit logs
Install syslog package, if you haven’t installed it by executing the below command:
apt-get install rsyslog
Open the rsyslog.conf file located at /etc/rsyslog.conf by following command:
vim /etc/rsyslog.conf
At the end of the file check for the following line and uncomment:
$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf
# Include all config files in /etc/rsyslog.d/
$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf
Save and Quit the configuration file.
Open a auditd.conf file located at /etc/audit/auditd.conf by following command.
$ vim /etc/audit/auditd.conf
log_group = syslog
Save & Quit the configuration file.
Restart auditd service to reflect the changes.
$ /etc/init.d/auditd restart
Create log configuration for Audit logs with vim /etc/rsyslog.d/auditlog.conf and paste following lines below
$ModLoad imfile
# auditd audit.log
$InputFileName /var/log/audit/audit.log ##path of log file
$InputFileTag tag_audit_log:
$InputFileStateFile audit_log
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFileFacility local6
local6.* @<LogCollector-IP>:514
Save and Quit the configuration file.
Restart rsyslog service
service rsyslog restart
To forward Audit logs
Install syslog package, if you haven’t installed it
yum -y install rsyslog
Checking the rsyslog.conf
Open a rsyslog.conf file located at /etc/rsyslog.conf by following command
vim /etc/rsyslog.conf
At the end of the file check for the following line and uncomment
$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf
# Include all config files in /etc/rsyslog.d/
$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf
Save and Quit the configuration file.
Create log configuration for Audit logs with vim /etc/rsyslog.d/auditlog.conf and paste following lines below
$ModLoad imfile
# auditd audit.log
$InputFileName /var/log/audit/audit.log ##path of log file
$InputFileTag tag_audit_log:
$InputFileStateFile audit_log
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFileFacility local6
$WorkDirectory /var/lib/rsyslog
$ActionQueueFileName fwdRule1 # unique name prefix for spool files
$ActionQueueMaxDiskSpace 1g # 1gb space limit (use as much as possible)
$ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on # save messages to disk on shutdown
$ActionQueueType LinkedList # run asynchronously
$ActionResumeRetryCount -1
local6.* @<Log Collector IP>:514
Save and Quit the configuration file.
Restart rsyslog service
service rsyslog restart
Log in to your Citrix Access Gateway web interface
Click the Access Gateway Clustertab
Select Logging/Settings
In the Server field, type the IP address of Log Collector.
From the Facility list, select a syslog facility level.
In the Broadcast interval (mins), type 0 to continuously forward syslog events.
Click Submit to save changes.
To forward Symantec AV logs, make the following configuration:
Log in to Symantec AV using web interface
In the Console, click Admin.
Click Servers.
Click the local site or remote site that you want to export log data from.
Click Configure External Logging.
On the General tab, in the Update Frequency List box, select how often to send the log data.
In the Master Logging Server list box, select the management server to send the logs to.
If you use SQL Server and connect multiple management servers to the database, specify only one server as the Master Logging Server.
Check Enable Transmission of Logs to a Syslog Server.
Provide the following information:
Syslog Server
Type the IP Address of the “Log Collector”.
Destination Port
Select the protocol to use, and type the destination port that the Syslog server uses to listen for Syslog messages.
Log Facility
Type the number of the log facility that you want to use, or use the default 7
On the Log Filter tab, check which logs to export.
Click OK.
Configuring DarkTrace IDS Syslog
To configure Darktrace to send Syslog to the BluSapphire Log Collector, you must be a Darktrace administrator with access to the user interface.
1. Log in to the Darktrace interface.
2. Expand the top left menu and select Admin, a second menu appears.
3. Select the System Config page.
4. In the “Alerting” section, click the Verify Alert Settings button.
5. In “JSON Syslog Alerts,” set the field to True.
6. Set the JSON Syslog server to the IP address of the “Log Collector”.
7. Set the JSON Syslog server port <port>. Check Appendix A for default port.
8. Set “JSON Syslog TCP Alerts” to True.
Connect to a Controller VM (CVM) in the cluster using SSH.
Enter the ncli command to log into the ncli prompt
nutanix@cvm$ ncli
Note: "<ncli>" is the ncli prompt.
The remote syslog server is enabled by default, disable it while you configure the settings.
<ncli> rsyslog-config set-status enable=false
Add a rsyslog server using the command which adds it to the cluster.
<ncli> rsyslog-config add-server name=<remote_server_name> ip-address=<remote_server_address> port=<rsyslog port> network-protocol=udp relp-enabled=false
Choose a module to forward log information from and specify the level of information to collect.
<ncli> rsyslog-config add-module server-name=<remote_server_name> module-name=<module_name> level=<log_level>
Replace <module_name> with one of the following:
Enable module logs at the ERROR level unless you require more information, replace <log_level> with one of the following:
6. For e.g.: Once you configure level 6 (it's info), it also covers level 0,1,2,3,4,5 + level 6. For e.g. if you select "INFO" for a module, you don't have to select ALERT for the same module.
7. Enable the rsyslog server.
<ncli> rsyslog-config set-status enable=true
8. Logs should start forwarding to the remote syslog server.
9. Show the current rsyslog server setting and modules added.
<ncli> rsyslog-config ls <ncli> rsyslog-config ls-modules server-name=<rsyslog_name>
SAP stores logs in binary format by default. A schedule task to dump logs in CSV format has to be created in SAP.
Save SAP logs on particular folder (eg: /opt/g14/saplogs/) on the system/server in csv format.
Schedule an activity in SAP to generate the audit logs in required intervals (eg: hourly).
Download and install filebeat latest version by using below link.
Before starting Filebeat Edit filebeat.yml file
File path: C:\Program Files\filebeat\filebeat.yml
In Filebeat input session, can modify input enabled field False to true
5. Place your log folder path(step-2) under paths field.
6. Under Elastic search output session, put # to all lines.
7. Under Logstash output session, remove comments (#) and place IP and Port.
8. Modify localhost to Log collector IP and modify port number (provided by blusapphire).
9. After configuration is completed then Start the Filebeat service on PowerShell
Cisco Meraki Firewall
Open your Meraki dashboard as an administrator
Select the device you’d like to use
Select Network-Wide
Under the Configure Header – Select General
Scroll down to the Reporting Section
Select “Add New Syslog Server”
Type the IP address of your Blumira Sensor
Type port number (Check with Deployment Support team).
Add in Event Log, Flows, URL
Scroll to the bottom of the page and Save Changes
Last updated